Saturday, January 8, 2011

Let it Be

 During my journey after Jeannine's death, I have discovered that the people who have graced my life, more often than not have found me ,more than I have found them. The opportunities that I have had to be of service to others has pretty much developed in the same fashion.

What does this all mean? Does it mean that if we put no effort into bettering our situation that good fortune will automatically grace us with its presence?  What it means to me is that our ability to make the most out of the present moment, allows us to develop the faith and trust in the universe to meet our spiritual and emotional needs.Trust that the universe knows what we need and will help us fulfill or redefine those needs in time.  My ability to develop faith and trust in a divine plan greater than mine has allowed me to develop more peace, joy and purpose amidst sadness, in a world lacking the physical presence of my daughter Jeannine.

There are days where I do struggle with staying in the present because of the emotional roller coaster that is a part of our journeys as bereaved parents.  But I find now that I am usually able to manage those days better and not beat myself up for having them. Progress made on this journey is never progress lost.

I wish you all the best wishes for a wondrous New Year filled with joy and self-discovery.


  1. whisper words of wisdom...let it be...oh let it be...beautiful post Dave.

  2. There is a reason for everything in this life and we don't have understand it or know why. This is part of the mystery of life that helps us understand the difference between believing and knowing. I know that the roads of trust and faith lead to knowing. Thank you for your beautiful thoughts...

  3. You are welcome Chris. And thank you for sharing your thoughts as well.
