Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Pain of the Holidays

In early grief, it is difficult to find any meaning in pain. After my daughter Jeannine's death in 2003, the pain I experienced in early grief was raw and something that I feared. If I had a choice, I would have avoided it at all costs.  However, as I have learned we need to work through pain in order to be able to find greater meaning in our lives.

During the holidays our grief and pain tends to become more intensified.  The stress of holiday shopping and get togethers are stressful enough. The stress of grief makes these holiday events more stressful. Early on, I just wanted to fast forward to January, and skip the holidays all together.

In the ninth year of my journey as a parent who has experienced the death of a child, the holidays still present unique challenges for me. Thanksgiving and Christmas will be forever associated with the period of Jeannine's illness where I knew in my head and my heart that she was going to die. My expectation is that the pain of my early grief will continue to resurface during the holidays and will continue to until I cross over.

So what is different for me now? I have made a conscious choice to deal with my pain differently. During Thanksgiving dinner at my sister- in law's this year, I was missing the physical presence of my daughter. After dinner I decided to take a walk to clear my head.  I went  to my  deceased mother's former apartment which was less than a mile away. As I got closer to her apartment, I consciously introduced into my thoughts some positive memories of the relationship that Jeannine and my mother had. I immediately began to feel a sense of peace again. Shortly thereafter, the sky was lined three wide with a hundred or more crows flying west to east above me. I have recently begun to embrace Native American teachings about the power of animal medicine and the lessons that they teach.  From reading both Jaime Sams , Medicine Cards  and Ted Andrews, Animal Speaks, I have discovered that crow medicine is about among other things, sacred law as opposed to human law and that unexpected help with problems and obstacles is at hand to bring relief.

After Jeannine died, I realized that conventional wisdom or law was not going to help me adjust to my new reality.  I needed to look at relationships as occurring beyond the physical realm and be attuned to what the universe and all it has to offer was trying to teach me. Once I was able to do this, I began to find a new level of fulfillment in my life, and look at pain differently. 

In the ninth year of my journey after Jeannine's death,  I have discovered that allowing myself to be totally debilitated by pain is not going to improve the quality of the life that I am now destined to lead. I need to continue to evolve as a result of my experience with it.

I am wishing you all peace this holiday season.


  1. Hi Dave
    I have studied a fair amount of Native American wisdom and your understanding that sacred law (rather than human law) is what will help when faced with the overwhelming loss of a child is so true. In understanding sacred law we gain a new perspective on life and death and the natural cycle.
    There are so many questions that we have when a child dies and most humans just don't have the answers. In turning to sacred law, then we learn that everything is in balance and I have been able to find a place of deep understanding and acceptance of not only my sister's death, but also the family events which evolved out of that death.
    Love and blessings

  2. Hi Ruby:
    I have just begun to embrace Native American wisdom in the last year or so of my journey as a parent who has experienced the death of a child. Being able to embrace sacred law has done so much to provide new meaning and clarity in my journey and has put a new perspective on the relationship that I have developed with Jeannine. I have also been able to look at life and death from different perspectives and that has provided me with a sense of peace amidst the sadness resulting from her physical absence.
