Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Spirit vs. Ego and Other Random Thoughts

I had another one of those days when I just let my thoughts go where they were going to go. Here is what developed:

1) I read a quote recently that went something like this: "Ego says when everything falls in place, I will have peace. Spirit says ,find your peace and everything will fall into place." Such a simple, eloquent teaching, but challenging to assimilate on a day to day basis. For me, the challenge is about the conflict between my soul's need to just be  and my ego's desire to maintain or not relinquish control. For any of us who have experienced the death of a child or other catastrophic loss, the ego-soul conflict will surface. Over ten years into my journey following the death of my daughter Jeannine, most days my soul wins. Other days I honor my humanness.

2) Change is a necessary part of growth;learning to negotiate the pain of loss is a necessary part of managing change.

3) I think it is better to have life changing events shift perspective, than simply put things in perspective.

4)  If someone told me upfront that they were self-serving and self promoting, I could deal with that. At least I know what the contents of the package are ; I could choose to unwrap it or leave it alone. What I have difficulty dealing with is someone who tries to disguise their self serving behavior as service to others. 

5) I have learned a lot about dealing with people when I was a chemical dependency counselor. I remember asking one of my clients: "What do you need from me?" He looked me in the eye and said: "Dave, don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining." He wanted reality presented to him in an honest way, no matter how much discomfort it caused. I always made sure I gave him an honest forecast. 

6) I get more excited promoting the work of others than talking about myself. As long as the message I am promoting is motivated by honesty and integrity of the messenger, I will put it out there. 

7) Until this year, the state of Colorado hadn't had a flood since 1976, or 37 years. The sum of 3+7 =1. The number 1 is about beginnings. Even in turbulent waters, there are useful teachings to discover.

8) My soul family, past and present, is part of my healing and understanding in the present.

9)  Today,I reread a journal entry that I completed on July 21st of this year. On that day,I took a walk in my neighborhood and silently invited Jeannine's thoughts to come through me. This is what I heard : "Let it Come, Behold The Universe." I will remember this when my ego and soul come into conflict. I love my daughter's wisdom.

10) I don't assume everyone that I know wants me to automatically pray for them when they are experiencing challenging times, I usually ask their permission first.

11)I continue to remain grateful for the people in my life and for having two of the greatest sons that a father could ever ask for and a spouse who unconditionally supports me ; all in all I am blessed.

Wishing you all peace.

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