Saturday, March 3, 2012

To Remember is Human

As I am now entering the tenth year of my journey as a parent who has experienced the death of a child ,I realize that my perspective on many things related to life and death have changed.  Today I had this revelation about the expectations that we place on remembering. In this context, I am referring to those individuals who don't acknowledge our children on those special days such as birthdays and angelversary dates. I started thinking about this when a friend of mine(and one whom loved Jeannine dearly when she was alive) apologized to me because she forgot to acknowledge Jeannine's angelversary(3/1) ,this year. This is a woman who several times a year acknowledges the love that she has for Jeannine. This to me trumps her forgetting to acknowledge Jeannine's angelversary date .

The truth be known ,is that as time goes on, more and more people forget to acknowledge our children on special days. Early in grief, their oversights of our children rips at our hearts and tears at our souls. The pain of our loss resurfaces and we may become more disillusioned and confused by the relationships we have with others. Later in grief, people forget. I have forgotten angelversary dates. It is what it is, a product of the imperfect nature of the human experience. To remember is human. It does not mean that friendships have to crumble because of one mistake or oversight. From my perspective, friendships crumble because of an enduring pattern of behaviors that compromise the integrity of the bond. 

On Jeannine's angelversary this year, I received a couple of calls from two of my close friends and an e-mail from a former Utica College student specifically acknowledging my daughter.  There were several of my close friends many whom I have met on this journey, who did not call or e-mail me. It did not affect me like it did in years past, or detract from the joy I experienced from those who reached out to me. Nor did it detract from the activities that I engaged in to honor and stay connected with Jeannine.  I believe that I felt this way because I have begun to release the traditional expectations of remembering in grief.

The essence of who Jeannine was in this life and who I believe she is in spirit is forever embodied in my body and soul. So anyone who either asks how I am  holding up or who otherwise demonstrates  kindness towards me, not only honors me but all who is a part of me. To remember me is to remember Jeannine, and any act of kindness or love directed towards me is directed to her. The friends and acquaintances that I have made on my journey have been wonderful to me and have demonstrated integrity in their actions towards me throughout the years. Their continued validation of me means that they have continually honored  and remembered Jeannine, and for that I am grateful.


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